IT Support Services for Milton Keynes SMEs

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System Maintenance

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Support Desk

Are you looking for IT support service providers for your Milton Keynes business?

Bridging the gap between your internal IT capabilities and your future IT dependent goals sometime takes outside help.

Insightful professional advice, timely intervention, or perhaps expertly designed solutions work to give you the edge.

Finding the right IT support service provider can help you:

✅ do more with less

✅ shorten lead times

✅ grow faster

✅ work smarter

✅ lower costs

✅ increase profit

✅ hit targets

✅ teach and empower your workforce

✅ use IT to fulfil your business vision

A suitable IT support provider who partners with you successfully fills the void of your IT shortfalls. They increase the commercial possibilities of your business, without you directly investing in internal training or development.

So, IT support can be a viable workaround for embracing the advantages of IT-based solutions without long term organic investment in upskilling your own workforce.

Our trained consultants have the background and credentials to help you choose the best Milton Keynes IT support service for your business.

What are IT support services?

An IT support service provider gives computer-based technical assistance to other business clients, typically in the areas of:

  1. fixing network or device problems
  2. monitoring systems performance and where permitted proactively adding value

IT support services are generalists by technical ability, but specialists in making IT happen.

They are enablers. Where you and your team get stuck, encounter technology roadblocks, glitches, problems and more…

…an IT support service is your answer for dissolving issues, making rough technical things smooth and putting you back in the IT driving seat.

Think of IT support as your ever ready and waiting F1 pitstop crew – instantly primed for tune-ups, repairs and enhancements to keep your business plans on track for remaining in pole position.

What do IT support service providers do exactly?

IT support services generally fall into two categories of activity:


This is responsive IT support and paid for on a fee per job basis. Pay as you go. When a ticket for an incident or request is registered with the help desk, an appropriate fix is scheduled and due for invoice.

This is a reactive mode of IT management which is less predictable from a budgetary point of view.

The disruption to continuity and cost controls with break/fix can vastly outweigh the non-committal benefit.


A client who takes out managed IT support services is under the admission that things certainly will go wrong at some point.

In which case, they want to be (proactive) on the front foot and know that their case will be handled as priority.

Managed IT support is a subscription-based preventative stance. A fixed fee is paid every month and for doing so, your business is assured the very best care that provider has to offer.

Not only can you call on a managed service provider to correct issues that occur (knowing they are obliged), but you can also tap into their expert knowledge for advice on improvements.

Managed IT support is definitely for the business owner who sees professional IT help as a worthy investment, rather than a cost.

What does an IT support service include?

Typical IT support service offerings include:

  • 24/7 helpdesk
  • Procurement advice
  • Hardware support
  • Malware protection
  • Cloud services
  • Data storage services
  • Data backup
  • Network security
  • Data cabling
  • Disaster recovery
  • Mobile device management
  • Repairs

Each provider will offer their own menu of services. Plus, services will often be arrayed within packages, each with its own monthly price, relative to the value given.

What tools does an IT support service provider use?

The successes of IT support services, much like their traditional trade compatriots e.g. plumbers, electricians etc. to a large degree is dependent on having the right tools for getting the job done.

Here is a common line up for IT support tools:

  • Virtual machine: for replicating client technical problems without actually handling the ‘broken’ machine
  • Bug tracking: having an audit trail of mishaps reported by customer in your IT systems
  • Ticket management software: managing customer correspondence and responding promptly
  • Remote desktop software: for accessing client machines over the internet
  • Documentation knowledgebase: where canned responses for common issues are kept handy
  • FAQs: always useful as a bank of self-service remedies to repetitive issues, saving time for both provider agents and customers
  • Feedback: built-in web forms for customers feeding back on usefulness of resources
  • Boot CD for repairs: for repairing and mirroring disks and restoring deleted files.

What business benefits does an IT support service offer?

Overall, better performance all round.

IT systems are now an integral part of business operations for most small businesses.

Just think:

And so, if for a variety of businesses having tip-top IT systems is now mission critical, then ensuring your business is supported with first class IT help means:

  • preventing business downtime from adverse occurrences, like, system security breaches
  • business continuity following disaster recovery
  • improvements of systems
  • discounted prices for software and hardware procurement
  • peace of mind from performance monitoring
  • greater efficiency from better fitting solutions
  • saved staff time and lower overhead costs from smarter, more intuitive systems
  • more profitable output from greater productivity

Next steps for hiring the best IT support service for your small business

  1. Map out your IT footprint: Literally produce a process flowchart or map on paper detailing all the functions in your business that utilise IT.
  2. Consider areas of risk or advantage: Itemise a list of every IT related business function and provide short analysis of risk (i.e. potential loss if things go wrong) vs. upside (i.e. potential gain if improvements were made). Put a monetary figure on both potential losses and gains.
  3. Calculate cost of waiting, ignoring, or doing it yourself: As with every decision to invest in a professional solution, the alternatives are waiting around for a while, not doing anything or having a go yourself. Weigh up the pros and cons of the alternatives of hiring IT support.
  4. RFP (request for proposal): lastly, if you are persuaded that you have a profitable business case for outsourcing IT support services, then draft a request for proposal – submit it to the top local providers and compare price quotes for best value.

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About the Editorial Staff

Our Editorial Staff is a dedicated team of business technology experts led by Tayo Abayo. Our journey serving small business owners with tech advanced tips and advice began as consultants in 2010. This new site, a fruit of our careers, is fast becoming one of the best free IT resource sites for the city.